Working with the GBIF Backbone

Preamble, Package-Loading, and GBIF API Credential Registering (click here):
## Custom install & load function
install.load.package <- function(x) {
  if (!require(x, character.only = TRUE)) {
    install.packages(x, repos = "")
  require(x, character.only = TRUE)
## names of packages we want installed (if not installed yet) and loaded
package_vec <- c(
  "knitr" # for rmarkdown table visualisations
## executing install & load for each package
sapply(package_vec, install.load.package)
## rgbif knitr 
options(gbif_user = "my gbif username")
options(gbif_email = "my registred gbif e-mail")
options(gbif_pwd = "my gbif password")

Most of the time, GBIF users query data for individual species so we will establish a comparable use-case here. For most of this material, I will be focussing on Lagopus muta - the rock ptarmigan (see below). I have particularly fond memories of these birds flying alongside an uncle of mine and I on a topptur-ski trip in Lofoten earlier this year. It also lends itself well to a demonstration of rgbif functionality.

The ways in which we record and report species identities is arguably more varied than recorded species identities themselves. For example, while the binomial nomenclature is widely adopted across scientific research, the same species may be still be referred to via different binomial names with descriptor or subspecies suffixes. In addition, particularly when dealing with citizen science data, species names may not always be recorded according to the binomial nomenclature but rather via vernacular names.

The GBIF Backbone Taxonomy circumvents these issues on the data-management side as it assigns unambiguous keys to taxonomic units of interest - these are known as taxonKeys.

GBIF recognises taxonomic units via unique identifiers which are linked to more commonly used names and descriptors.

Matching between what you require and how GBIF indexes its data is therefore vital to ensure you retrieve the data you need accurately and in full. To discover data themselves, we first need to discover their corresponding relevant identifiers.

Finding the taxonKeys

To identify the relevant taxonKeys for our study organism (Lagopus muta), we will use the name_backbone(...) function to match our binomial species name to the GBIF backbone as follows:

sp_name <- "Lagopus muta"
sp_backbone <- name_backbone(name = sp_name)

Let’s look at the output of this function call:

usageKey scientificName canonicalName rank status confidence matchType kingdom phylum order family genus species kingdomKey phylumKey classKey orderKey familyKey genusKey speciesKey synonym class verbatim_name
5227679 Lagopus muta (Montin, 1781) Lagopus muta SPECIES ACCEPTED 99 EXACT Animalia Chordata Galliformes Phasianidae Lagopus Lagopus muta 1 44 212 723 9331 2473369 5227679 FALSE Aves Lagopus muta

The data frame / tibble returned by the name_backbone(...) function contains important information regarding the confidence and type of match achieved between the input species name and the GBIF backbone. In addition, it lists all relevant taxonKeys. Of particular to most use-cases are the following columns:

  • usageKey: The taxonKey by which this species is indexed in the GBIF backbone.
  • matchType: This can be either:
    • EXACT: binomial input matched 1-1 to backbone
    • FUZZY: binomial input was matched to backbone assuming misspelling
    • HIGHERRANK: binomial input is not a species-level name, but indexes a higher-rank taxonomic group
    • NONE: no match could be made

Let’s extract the usageKey of Lagopus muta in the GBIF backbone for later use in this workshop.

sp_key <- sp_backbone$usageKey
## [1] 5227679
We now have a unique identifier for Lagpus muta which we can use to query GBIF for data.

Resolving Taxonomic Names

Not all species identities are as straightforwardly matched to the GBIF backbone and there is more information stored in the GBIF backbone which may be relevant to users. Here, I would like to spend some time delving further into these considerations.

Matching Input to Backbone

To widen the backbone matching, we can set verbose = TRUE in the name_backbone(...) function. Doing so for Lagopus muta, we obtain the following:

sp_backbone <- name_backbone(name = sp_name, verbose = TRUE)
usageKey scientificName canonicalName rank status confidence matchType kingdom phylum order family genus species kingdomKey phylumKey classKey orderKey familyKey genusKey speciesKey synonym class verbatim_name
5227679 Lagopus muta (Montin, 1781) Lagopus muta SPECIES ACCEPTED 99 EXACT Animalia Chordata Galliformes Phasianidae Lagopus Lagopus muta 1 44 212 723 9331 2473369 5227679 FALSE Aves Lagopus muta

Seems like, even with widened backbone matching, Lagopus muta is precise enough of a specification for there to be one direct match.

To demonstrate how this widened backbone matching can result in multiple matches, let’s consider Calluna vulgaris - the common heather and my favourite plant:

sp_backbone2 <- name_backbone(name = "Calluna vulgaris", verbose = TRUE)
1 2 3 4
usageKey 2882482 8208549 3105380 7918820
scientificName Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull Calluna vulgaris Salisb., 1802 Carlina vulgaris L. Carlina vulgaris Schur
canonicalName Calluna vulgaris Calluna vulgaris Carlina vulgaris Carlina vulgaris
confidence 97 97 70 64
kingdom Plantae Plantae Plantae Plantae
phylum Tracheophyta Tracheophyta Tracheophyta Tracheophyta
order Ericales Ericales Asterales Asterales
family Ericaceae Ericaceae Asteraceae Asteraceae
genus Calluna Calluna Carlina Carlina
species Calluna vulgaris Calluna vulgaris Carlina vulgaris Carlina vulgaris
kingdomKey 6 6 6 6
phylumKey 7707728 7707728 7707728 7707728
classKey 220 220 220 220
orderKey 1353 1353 414 414
familyKey 2505 2505 3065 3065
genusKey 2882481 2882481 3105349 3105349
speciesKey 2882482 2882482 3105380 7918820
class Magnoliopsida Magnoliopsida Magnoliopsida Magnoliopsida
acceptedUsageKey NA 2882482 NA NA
verbatim_name Calluna vulgaris Calluna vulgaris Calluna vulgaris Calluna vulgaris

Here, you can see how fuzzy matching has resulted in an erroneous match with a different plant: Carlina vulgaris - the thistle - also a neat plant, but not the one I was after here.

Competing Name Matches

By horribly misspelling our binomial input, we can coerce an output of match type FUZZY (a match achieved with deviations to the supplied string) or HIGHERRANK (a match indexing the Genus itself):

knitr::kable(name_backbone("Lagopus mut", verbose = TRUE))
confidence matchType synonym usageKey scientificName canonicalName rank status kingdom phylum order family genus kingdomKey phylumKey classKey orderKey familyKey genusKey class acceptedUsageKey verbatim_name
69 EXACT FALSE 2473369 Lagopus Brisson, 1760 Lagopus GENUS ACCEPTED Animalia Chordata Galliformes Phasianidae Lagopus 1 44 212 723 9331 2473369 Aves NA Lagopus mut
68 EXACT TRUE 3233696 Lagopus (Gren. & Godr.) Fourr. Lagopus GENUS SYNONYM Plantae Tracheophyta Lamiales Plantaginaceae Plantago 6 7707728 220 408 2420 3189695 Magnoliopsida 3189695 Lagopus mut
68 EXACT TRUE 3233247 Lagopus Bernh. Lagopus GENUS SYNONYM Plantae Tracheophyta Fabales Fabaceae Trifolium 6 7707728 220 1370 5386 2973363 Magnoliopsida 2973363 Lagopus mut
68 EXACT TRUE 8132572 Lagopus Hill Lagopus GENUS SYNONYM Plantae Tracheophyta Fabales Fabaceae Trifolium 6 7707728 220 1370 5386 2973363 Magnoliopsida 2973363 Lagopus mut
68 EXACT TRUE 6007644 Lagopus Reichenbach, 1817 Lagopus GENUS SYNONYM Animalia Arthropoda Lepidoptera Noctuidae Callopistria 1 54 216 797 7015 8875134 Insecta 8875134 Lagopus mut
43 FUZZY TRUE 4825684 Lagomus McEnery, 1859 Lagomus GENUS SYNONYM Animalia Chordata Lagomorpha Prolagidae Prolagus 1 44 359 785 5468 2436678 Mammalia 2436678 Lagopus mut
38 FUZZY FALSE 4834660 Lagodus Pomel, 1852 Lagodus GENUS DOUBTFUL Animalia Chordata NA NA Lagodus 1 44 359 NA NA 4834660 Mammalia NA Lagopus mut

To truly see how competing name identifiers can cause us to struggle identifying the correct usageKey we must turn away from Lagopus muta. Instead, let us look at Glocianus punctiger - a species of weevil:

knitr::kable(name_backbone("Glocianus punctiger", verbose = TRUE))
usageKey scientificName canonicalName rank status confidence matchType kingdom phylum order family kingdomKey phylumKey classKey orderKey familyKey synonym class acceptedUsageKey genus species genusKey speciesKey verbatim_name
4239 Curculionidae Curculionidae FAMILY ACCEPTED 97 HIGHERRANK Animalia Arthropoda Coleoptera Curculionidae 1 54 216 1470 4239 FALSE Insecta NA NA NA NA NA Glocianus punctiger
11356251 Glocianus punctiger (C.R.Sahlberg, 1835) Glocianus punctiger SPECIES SYNONYM 97 EXACT Animalia Arthropoda Coleoptera Curculionidae 1 54 216 1470 4239 TRUE Insecta 1187423 Rhynchaenus Rhynchaenus punctiger 1187150 1187423 Glocianus punctiger
4464480 Glocianus punctiger (Gyllenhal, 1837) Glocianus punctiger SPECIES SYNONYM 97 EXACT Animalia Arthropoda Coleoptera Curculionidae 1 54 216 1470 4239 TRUE Insecta 1178810 Ceuthorhynchus Ceuthorhynchus punctiger 8265946 1178810 Glocianus punctiger

Here, we find that there exist two competing identifiers for Glocianus punctiger in the GBIF backbone in accordance with their competing descriptors. To query data for all Glocianus punctiger records, we should thus always use the keys 11356251 and 4464480.

Matching Names and Backbone for several Species

The above use of name_backbone(...) can be executed for multiple species at once using instead the name_backbone_checklist(...) function. So let’s do so for our target species as well as my favourite plant:

checklist_df <- name_backbone_checklist(c(sp_name, "Calluna vulgaris"))
usageKey scientificName canonicalName rank status confidence matchType kingdom phylum order family genus species kingdomKey phylumKey classKey orderKey familyKey genusKey speciesKey synonym class verbatim_name verbatim_index
5227679 Lagopus muta (Montin, 1781) Lagopus muta SPECIES ACCEPTED 99 EXACT Animalia Chordata Galliformes Phasianidae Lagopus Lagopus muta 1 44 212 723 9331 2473369 5227679 FALSE Aves Lagopus muta 1
2882482 Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull Calluna vulgaris SPECIES ACCEPTED 97 EXACT Plantae Tracheophyta Ericales Ericaceae Calluna Calluna vulgaris 6 7707728 220 1353 2505 2882481 2882482 FALSE Magnoliopsida Calluna vulgaris 2
It is best practise to carefully investigate the match between your binomial input and the GBIF backbone.

Name Suggestions and Lookup

To catch other commonly used or relevant names for a species of interest, you can use the name_suggest(...) function. This is particularly useful when data mining publications or data sets for records which can be grouped to the same species although they might be recorded with different names:

sp_suggest <- name_suggest(sp_name)$data
key 5227679 5227684 5227713 5227686 5227681 5227692
canonicalName Lagopus muta Lagopus muta rupestris Lagopus muta welchi Lagopus muta townsendi Lagopus muta kurilensis Lagopus muta helvetica

To trawl GBIF mediated data sets for records of a specific species, one may use the name_lookup(...) function:

sp_lookup <- name_lookup(sp_name)$data
key scientificName nameKey datasetKey nubKey parentKey parent kingdom order family species kingdomKey orderKey familyKey speciesKey canonicalName authorship nameType taxonomicStatus rank origin numDescendants numOccurrences habitats nomenclaturalStatus threatStatuses synonym phylum genus phylumKey classKey genusKey class taxonID extinct constituentKey publishedIn basionymKey basionym accordingTo acceptedKey accepted
123212008 Lagopus muta 5972798 a5dd063e-f45b-4a54-8b94-8fa3adf7f1e1 5227679 167183824 Phasianidae Animalia Galliformes Phasianidae Lagopus muta 167183684 167183822 167183824 123212008 Lagopus muta SCIENTIFIC ACCEPTED SPECIES SOURCE 0 0 NA NA NA FALSE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
114449074 Lagopus muta 5972798 3772da2f-daa1-4f07-a438-15a881a2142c 5227679 183207232 Lagopus Animalia Galliformes Tetraonidae NA 183203277 183207227 183207228 NA Lagopus muta SCIENTIFIC ACCEPTED NA SOURCE 0 0 NA NA NA FALSE Chordata Lagopus 183205906 183206633 183207232 Aves NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
133167086 Lagopus muta 5972798 47f16512-bf31-410f-b272-d151c996b2f6 5227679 135274878 Phasianidae Animalia Galliformes Phasianidae Lagopus muta 135274602 135274874 135274878 133167086 Lagopus muta SCIENTIFIC ACCEPTED SPECIES SOURCE 0 0 NA NA NA FALSE NA NA NA 135274603 NA Aves 1613 FALSE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
119341248 Lagopus muta 5972798 4f1047ac-a19d-41a8-98eb-d968b2548b53 5227679 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Lagopus muta SCIENTIFIC ACCEPTED NA SOURCE 0 0 NA NA NEAR_THREATENED FALSE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
104151733 Lagopus muta NA fab88965-e69d-4491-a04d-e3198b626e52 5227679 104151714 Lagopus Metazoa Galliformes Phasianidae Lagopus muta 103832354 104149839 104150497 104151733 Lagopus muta NA SCIENTIFIC ACCEPTED SPECIES SOURCE 0 0 NA NA NA FALSE Chordata Lagopus 103882489 104106614 104151714 Aves 64668 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
177659687 Lagopus muta NA 6b6b2923-0a10-4708-b170-5b7c611aceef 5227679 177659682 Lagopus Metazoa Galliformes Phasianidae Lagopus muta 177651702 177659367 177659587 177659687 Lagopus muta NA SCIENTIFIC ACCEPTED SPECIES SOURCE 0 0 NA NA NA FALSE Chordata Lagopus 177654008 177656782 177659682 Aves 64668 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

Here, we see clearly that Lagopus muta is recorded slightly differently in the datasets mediated by GBIF, but are indexed just fine for GBIF to find them for us.

Lastly, to gain a better understanding of the variety of vernacular names by which our species is know, we can use the name_usage(..., data = "vernacularnames") function as follows:

sp_usage <- name_usage(key = sp_key, data = "vernacularNames")$data
taxonKey vernacularName language source sourceTaxonKey country area preferred
5227679 Alpenschneehuhn deu Multilingual IOC World Bird List, v11.2 123212008 NA NA NA
5227679 Alpenschneehuhn deu Taxon list of animals with German names (worldwide) compiled at the SMNS 116803956 DE NA NA
5227679 Alpenschneehuhn deu EUNIS Biodiversity Database 101137652 NA NA NA
5227679 Alpensneeuwhoen nld EUNIS Biodiversity Database 101137652 NA NA NA
5227679 Alpensneeuwhoen nld Multilingual IOC World Bird List, v11.2 123212008 NA NA NA
5227679 Fjeldrype dan Multilingual IOC World Bird List, v11.2 123212008 NA NA NA

name_usage(...) can be tuned to output different information and its documentation gives a good overview of this. Simply call ?name_usage to look for yourself.
