
Simple Parametric Tests

Welcome to our sixth practical experience in R. Throughout the following notes, I will introduce you to a couple of simple parametric test. Whilst parametric tests are used extremely often in biological statistics, they can be somewhat challenging to fit to your data as you will see soon. To do so, I will enlist the sparrow data set we handled in our first exercise. Additionally, todays seminar is showing plotting via base plot instead of `ggplot2` to highlight the usefulness of base plot and show you the base notation.

Simple Parametric Tests

Welcome to our sixth practical experience in R. Throughout the following notes, I will introduce you to a couple of simple parametric test. Whilst parametric tests are used extremely often in biological statistics, they can be somewhat challenging to fit to your data as you will see soon. To do so, I will enlist the sparrow data set we handled in our first exercise. Additionally, todays seminar is showing plotting via base plot instead of `ggplot2` to highlight the usefulness of base plot and show you the base notation.

Chapter 13

Answers and solutions to the exercises belonging to chapter 13 in [Satistical Rethinking 2]( by Richard McElreath.

Chapter 14

Answers and solutions to the exercises belonging to chapter 14 in [Satistical Rethinking 2]( by Richard McElreath.

Chapter 15

Answers and solutions to the exercises belonging to chapter 15 in [Satistical Rethinking 2]( by Richard McElreath.

Chapter 16

Answers and solutions to the exercises belonging to chapter 16 in [Satistical Rethinking 2]( by Richard McElreath.

Statistical Education for Biologists

My personal musings on statistical education for biologists.

An Introduction to Biostatistics

Lectures and seminars for B.Sc. students of biology which should serve as an introduction to the basics of biostatistics using `R`.

Bayesian Networks

An exploration of bayesian networks as a tool for identification of causal relationships.

BFTP - Biome Detection through Remote Sensing

First steps in macroecological analyses in `R` using cluster analyses on remote sensing data and tracking shifting biomes through time.